Think+DO Tank Foundation exists to increase the level of community self-direction over their everyday circumstances in low-income parts of South Western and Western Sydney.
Think+DO Tank Foundation has quickly earned a reputation as an ideas factory, and as a creative, connecting force in the communities in which we work. We create collaborative and participatory public art and community development projects, and social enterprises.
Think+DO Tank Foundation takes a deep expertise in social policy; an understanding built at “eye-level” with communities; and the power of the arts, to enable the people in the communities where we work to strengthen their connections, and become agents for change in their own lives. We are human connection in action. We are creativity with purpose.
Our vision is of proud, creative, connected communities that draw on the skills of their members to achieve shared community goals.
Since 2013, we have been creating and leading ambitious arts and community development projects to make South Western and Western Sydney better places in which to live.
Featured in The Motion Room (Exhibition) . Image Courtesy of Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre. Photograph by Ben Williams Photography.